BWG Council Unanimously Supports County Governance Review
Posted on Wednesday, June 07, 2023 09:51 AM
Bradford West Gwillimbury Council unanimously passed a resolution during the June 6th Council Meeting, welcoming the appointment of provincial facilitators to review Simcoe County governance.
“The appointment of provincial facilitators is a welcomed first step toward completing a thoughtful governance review that will ensure the County is equipped to serve the growing, urbanizing, and diverse communities of Simcoe County. I want to thank the Premier, Minister Clark, and our MPP, Minister Mulroney...

Crack Sealing Notice May 9 2023
Posted on Tuesday, May 09, 2023 04:13 PM
Starting May 15 to May 19, BWG's Transportation Division will be repairing cracks in the existing road surface on the following streets:
- Acorn Lane
- Amberwing Landing
- Blue Dasher Blvd
- Corwin Drive
- Cousteau Drive
- Crossland Blvd
- Downy Emerald Drive
- Eldridge Street
- Geddes Street
- Gosnel Circle
- Green Darner Trail
- Huron Lane
- Jewelwing Court
- McCann Crescent
- Meadowhawk Trail
- Russel Drive
- Summerlyn Trail
- Sundragon Trail
- Tigertail Crescent
- Vipond Way
Work will include routing (cutting) the existing cracks to ensure they are...
2023 Coldest Night of the Year
Posted on Thursday, January 26, 2023 09:20 AM
Proclamation Coldest Night of the Year Week, February 19 - 25, 2023 WHEREAS:
Transitional Aged Youth are both at high risk for life challenges and are underserviced by existing programming; and
WHEREAS:70% of mental health problems appear during adolescence; and
WHEREAS:we understand the pandemic has been especially difficult for the youth in our community; and
WHEREAS:we value our youth and want to see them succeed in life; and
WHEREAS:Coldest Night of the Year on February 25th is raising funds for...

County Affordable Housing Project Update
Posted on Monday, January 23, 2023 10:54 PM
The County of Simcoe has begun site work and preparation for the new affordable housing project in Bradford West Gwillimbury and is slated to begin drainage channel realignment and storm pipe installation at the end of the month.
The upcoming site works will cause pedestrian and vehicular impacts starting January 30, 2023, and are expected to last four weeks.
Pedestrian ImpactsPedestrian impacts during the works will include the closure of the east sidewalk on Simcoe Road from Marshview Boulevard...
Community Clean-up Week
Posted on Monday, March 28, 2022 11:52 AM
Help tackle waste and support a clean and healthy community by participating in BWG's Community Clean-up Week.
After a successful Community Clean-up campaign in 2021, the Town of BWG is happy to share the week-long event is returning this Spring. Sponsored by the Bradford Lions Club, this is a great opportunity for residents to come together, help tackle waste, and support a clean and healthy community.
Community Clean-up Week will take place from Sunday, April 17 – Saturday, April 23, 2022....
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