BWG's comprehensive Zoning By-law 2010-050 came into effect June 8, 2010. A copy of the full by-law is available in our By-law library.
The purpose of the Zoning By-law is to implement the policies of the Town's Official Plan. The Official Plan contains general policies that affect the use of land throughout BWG, specifying where certain land uses are permitted and, in some instances, what regulations should apply to the development of certain lands.
The statutory authority to zone land is granted by the Planning Act, R.S.O 1990, c. P.13 as amended. A Zoning By-law can:
- prohibit the use of land or buildings for any use that is not specifically permitted by the By-law;
- prohibit the erection or siting of buildings and structures on a lot except in locations permitted by the By-law;
- regulate the type of construction and the height, bulk, location, size, floor area, spacing, and use of buildings or structures;
- regulate the minimum frontage and depth of a parcel of land;
- regulate the proportion of a lot that any building or structure may occupy;
- regulate the minimum elevation of doors, windows or other openings in buildings or structures;
- require parking and loading facilities be provided and maintained for a purpose permitted by the By-law; and,
- prohibit the use of lands and the erection of buildings or structures on land that is:
- subject to flooding; o the site of steep slopes; o rocky, low-lying, marshy or unstable;
- contaminated;
- a sensitive groundwater recharge area or head water area; o the location of a sensitive aquifer;
- a significant wildlife habitat area, wetland, woodland, ravine, valley or area of natural and scientific interest;
- a significant corridor or shoreline of a lake, river or stream; or, o the site of a significant archaeological resource.

Use our interactive zoning map to see the current zoning of any property across BWG, by address or roll number.

Visit our By-law library to review and learn your responsibilities under Zoning By-law 2010-050.

Our Official Plan sets out goals, objectives, and policies for future growth and development across BWG.
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