Complete the online survey now through April 15!
In partnership with consulting firm, Delphi, the Town of BWG is developing a Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy (CCMAS) to address climate change risks and help the community adapt to a changing climate.
We anticipate that the Strategy will be completed by Fall 2024.
It is important for our strategy to be informed by our community to ensure it can adequately serve their needs in the face of a changing climate and more frequent extreme weather events.
Over the next several months there will be opportunities for the community to share their thoughts and help shape the priorities and actions.
Have Your Say! Participate in the survey and help inform us on how we can become more resilient during extreme weather events and eliminate greenhouse gas emissions. The survey will focus on gaining an understanding of your perceived risk of climate change, as well as your current level of preparedness for extreme weather events.

For more information on the Town of BWG’s Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategy please visit: www.townofbwg.com/ccmas
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