Notice of Special Meeting of Council on June 25, 2024
Pursuant to Subsection 26(4) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended.
Please provide your input! You are invited to attend a Special Meeting of Council to provide input as the Town launches its Official Plan Update for Growth Management to 2051.
Under the Planning Act, all municipalities in Ontario are required to have an Official Plan. The Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury’s (BWG’s) current Official Plan establishes a vision for growth and development in the Town to the year 2031.

In accordance with provincial policies, the County of Simcoe adopted Amendment No. 7 to its Official Plan (SCOPA No. 7) which allocates residential and employment growth to the Town of BWG to the year 2051. Between 2021 and 2051, SCOPA No. 7 forecasts that the Town of BWG will grow by approximately 40,000 additional people (approximately 83,470 people by 2051) and by approximately 19,000 additional jobs (approximately 30,900 jobs by 2051).
As a result of these recent changes, the Town’s Official Plan needs to be updated to ensure its policies are up to date and are reflective of the current and future needs of the community. The Official Plan Update for Growth Management is intended to help implement provincial and upper-tier policies in order to support and accommodate the Town’s growth to the year 2051. For additional information on the project, please review the Special Meeting of Council details below:
Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Zima Room, Bradford West Gwillimbury Library and Cultural Centre (425 Holland Street West)
The review is planned to be conducted in two parts, as outlined below. The above meeting is the first of many opportunities for the public to contribute to the Official Plan Update for Growth Management.
Part 1: Intensification First focuses on the following themes:
- Major Transit Station Area (“MTSA”) and Bridge Street Corridor
- Intensification Strategy
- Employment Land Conversion
- Highway 400 Employment Lands
Part 2: Settlement Area Boundary Expansion Review focuses on themes such as:
- Updated delineation of settlement area boundaries
- Infrastructure, servicing, facilities, and other community needs to support growth
Any person may attend this Special Meeting to make written or verbal representation in regards to what revisions may be required. Written submissions must be addressed to Council and directed to the Town Clerk, as below.
Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury
c/o Director of Corporate Services / Municipal Clerk
100 Dissette St., Units 7&8, P.O. Box 100
Bradford, ON L3Z 2A7
Phone: 905-775-5366
Email: clerk@townofbwg.com
The personal information accompanying your submission is being collected under the authority of the Planning Act and may form part of the record which may be released to the public. If you have any accessibility needs, please advise the Town Clerk, as above, at least one week before the meeting.
For more Information on the growth management update please review the following materials:
- Staff Report PLN-2023-2
- Staff Report PLN 2024-5
- Simcoe County Municipal Comprehensive Review and Official Plan Amendment No. 7 Background Information
- Simcoe County Official Plan Amendment No. 7
- Simcoe County “SCOPA No 7” (ERO# 019-6113 Posting)
For further information or to be added to the project mailing list, please contact planbwg2051@townofbwg.com or 905-778-2055 x 1400
Dated at the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury on May 22, 2024.
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