Starting May 15 to May 19, BWG's Transportation Division will be repairing cracks in the existing road surface on the following streets:
- Acorn Lane
- Amberwing Landing
- Blue Dasher Blvd
- Corwin Drive
- Cousteau Drive
- Crossland Blvd
- Downy Emerald Drive
- Eldridge Street
- Geddes Street
- Gosnel Circle
- Green Darner Trail
- Huron Lane
- Jewelwing Court
- McCann Crescent
- Meadowhawk Trail
- Russel Drive
- Summerlyn Trail
- Sundragon Trail
- Tigertail Crescent
- Vipond Way
Work will include routing (cutting) the existing cracks to ensure they are wide enough to receive the sealant, sweeping the road of dust and debris and filling the cracks with liquid rubber sealant.
This work is weather permitting. In the event of bad weather, work will be postponed to a later date.
How You May be Affected
Traffic management measures will be in place during the crack sealing work to ensure the safety of workers, motorists and pedestrians. Some minor delays to the normal flow of traffic can be expected while the work is being done. Residents living within the work area will still have access to their driveways and there will be no disruption to scheduled waste and recycling pick-up.
Some minor dust may be present during routing and sweeping operations along with an increase in noise levels resulting from the use of routing and crack sealing equipment, however; the operation is mobile and will progress very quickly.
On-street Parking
Please ensure that any vehicles parked on the road are moved before 9:00 am on the dates noted above. On-street parking will be available at the end of each work day.
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