Town’s Enforcement Division Introducing the Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) for Penalty Notices
The Town is moving to the Administrative Penalty System (AMPS) for the administration and adjudication of parking tickets, effective November 8, 2023.
AMPS is an efficient and user-friendly system that allows the Town’s Enforcement Division to administer and deal with the escalation of Penalty Notices (formerly parking tickets) internally.

Parking tickets issued up to (and on) November 7, 2023, will continue under the existing court system and will not be processed using AMPS. Confirm the ticket date on the back of the issued ticket, as well as process details and options. Under the current system, tickets are disputed in the Ontario Court of Justice and municipalities have limited flexible alternatives they can provide to settle disputes. AMPS moves disputes out of the court system and provides municipalities the discretion to resolve tickets during an internal screening review. If a notice holder disagrees with the decision of the Screening Officer, they can request a Hearing Review before a Hearing Officer.
Penalty notices issued on or after November 8, 2023, will be processed using AMPS. Under this new process, most ticket escalations can be resolved within 90 days – much faster than the previous, court-based system.
Once a Penalty Notice is issued, notice holders have to option to:
1) Pay the notice within 30 days or within 15 days to receive an early payment discount.
2) Dispute the notice by requesting a Screening Review within 30 days of issue. Following the Screening Decision, notice holders may appeal the decision by requesting a Hearing Review within 30 days.
3) Request a time extension for payment.
Penalty Notices that go unanswered will be subject to additional administration fees, relative to the time that has passed.
More information can be found at www.townofbwg.com/AMPSContact Us