Fall 2023 Edition Now Available
The Town of BWG is thrilled to introduce Connected, a new quarterly digital publication covering town-wide activities including project news and updates, ward updates, upcoming events and campaigns, and other seasonal stories.
Connected offers residents a unique and interactive in-depth look into happenings around town, with engaging content, graphics, videos, and more!
Our Fall 2023 edition covers:
- Ward Updates
- Advisory Committee Updates
- Park Upgrades
- Project Updates, and more!

Before you dive into the publication, here are a few things to keep in mind to optimize your viewing experience:
- Connected was designed to be a digital publication. In order to maintain its interactive elements, like photo slideshows and videos, this publication is best viewed online.
- You can download and print the pdf using the “Download PDF” icon on the ribbon at the bottom of the online viewer but it will lose some of its interactivity.
- You do not need any additional viewers or plug-ins to view the online document but it is best viewed on a Google Chrome browser.
Visit www.townofbwg.com/connected to learn more and read our Fall 2023 edition!
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