The annual Mayor and Council’s Golf Classic raised an incredible $100k toward the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Foundation’s Connect Campaign to build a new Nature Centre at Scanlon Creek Conservation Area in Bradford.
After a three-year hiatus due to the pandemic, Council hosted their annual Golf Classic on June 16th, bringing together 144 participants to enjoy a game of golf, network with Council and the local business community, and most importantly, raise funds for a great cause! Each year, Council selects a cause to raise funds towards via the Mayor and Council’s Gold Classic. For their 2023 tournament, Council selected the Lake Simcoe Conservation Foundation’s Connect Campaign, established to raise funds for a new Nature Centre at the Scanlon Creek Conservation Area.
“The Scanlon Creek Conservation Area has been a community staple for decades, serving our residents in so many ways. It’s been a place to hike, picnic, photograph, learn and explore, or simply a place to ‘get away’ and feel integrated with nature.” – Mayor James Leduc
Built in the 80s, the existing Nature Centre has perfectly served local communities as an anchor for outdoor environmental education. With the existing structure entering the end of its lifecycle, a new building is required to continue to serve the future needs of the region.
“We are thrilled to begin final design of the new state-of-the-art, net-zero Nature Centre that will be built in the heart of Scanlon Creek, a place local residents love to visit to connect with nature. Construction is scheduled to begin in 2024. We are very grateful to be selected by Council as the fund recipient for their 2023 Golf Classic." – Cheryl Taylor, LSCF Executive Director.
Thanks to the generosity of local sponsors and golfers, Council was able to fundraise $100,000 toward the project.
“Our contribution was made possible through the kindness of our 24 Sponsors and 144 golfers. I would like to pay special recognition to our Premier Event Sponsor, Bayview Wellington Homes; and our Platinum Event Sponsor, Highlight Motor Group.”– Mayor James Leduc
The funds raised through the Mayor and Council’s Golf Classic will be added to the $2.3M previously raised by the Connect Campaign, $4.17M from Infrastructure Canada’s Green and Inclusive Community Buildings (GICB) Program, and a generous $850k donated by the local Sadlon family. Now, only $600k remains to be raised to max out GICB funding.
“We are incredibly honoured to learn of this substantial contribution from Paul Sadlon and his family. What a special way to give back to the community and support outdoor environmental education for our future generations. It is inspiring to see a local give back to his community in the many ways Paul and his family have.” – Peter Ferragine, Ward 5 Councillor and Vice-Chair of the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA) Board of Directors
The Sadlon’s donation was announced during the 34th Annual Lake Simcoe Conservation Foundation Dinner Gala held on June 14th. Paul Sadlon was recognized during the Gala in honour of the significant contribution made by his family. Sadlon moved to Bradford in 1939 at the age of 6. Today, Paul is known to many as a gracious person and the successful business owner of Paul Sadlon Motors at 550 Bayfield Street in Barrie. In 2011, the Sadlon’s donated $2M to Georgian College to support their Sadlon Centre for Health, Wellness and Sciences. In 2019, the City of Barrie’s local arena was renamed the Sadlon Arena in recognition of a 10-year $1.7M funding from Paul Sadlon Motors.
About the New Nature Centre
The Connect Campaign is the driving force behind the construction of the new Nature Centre at the Scanlon Creek Conservation Area. From exploring a hiking path and trailblazing through the woods, to learning to work together and discovering a fantastic insect, the new Centre will be a place for all people get active outside and to reconnect with nature.
With additional capacity for captivating hands-on workshops and events, the new Nature Centre will help cultivate a newfound sense of environmental responsibility and demonstrate the importance and necessity of preserving our precious green spaces.
The new Centre will be an immersive natural experience, blurring the lines between indoors and outdoors by incorporating the latest innovations in sustainable design and construction.
At a glance:
- Approximate $6 million project
- Construction to start in 2024
- Over 8,000ft2
- Capacity for 250
- Built using sustainable design
- 3 flexible, multi-use rooms
- Will attract 15,000 kids, students, seniors, and community members of all ages each year
Learn more at https://scanloncreek.ca/
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